My Dad and I’s home
It’s been about a year and a half since God called my family and I to West Los Angeles. We came quite unexpectedly to Culver City and our journey here has been very difficult, but also amazing at the same time.

Weslie Sky Update
In the last two days, Weslie’s condition has greatly improved. She is more aware, eating more and her oxygen has been lowered and she is starting to breath on her own. Here is today’ s exciting update:
Her IV went bad so they took it out. She has had over 24 hours of doing sooo much better with smaller amount of oxygen. So, the Dr. is running an experiment with NO oxygen right now. It’s just a test but if she does no oxygen for 24 hours and there are no complications we could be going home in the next couple of days!!! Please keep praying that Weslie keeps improving and that there are no set backs. Thanks for your prayers!!
Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever felt like you don’t belong? Have you ever felt like you were NOT good enough? Smart enough? Popular enough? Rich enough? Old enough? Young enough? Man enough? Women enough?

A Lament for Robb Elementary School
God who created, loves and comforts us we lament the loss of 21 lives at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. God of healing we ask for you to spare the lives that are currently in critical condition.
Father, Where Are you?
Have you ever wondered where God is during the darkest nights of your life? I know God is with me and that his word says, “he will never leave me nor forsake me.” But sometimes I feel like I am in a cage of loneliness, while I am crying out for God to rescue me from this present darkness.

Fender Benders of Grace
Oh my gosh, I just hit a man’s car and a man just rammed his door into my car. Whose fault is it??