Happy BIG Birthday Day Dad!!!

As I reflect back on my day…. It’s amazing how good Gods timing is and how he delights in us. Today, I woke up at 5:30am and went directly to Sony Studios. I was with a team of about 10 people who were picking up 80 couches, 70 chairs, 30 tables and tons of other furniture. Thank you Sony for your donations!! The man in charge of moving supplies and I hit it off and he gave me a private tour of the whole Sony Campus. He also let me have a brand new office chair for my office. Then we unloaded at the church and we gave away 60+ couches, most of the tables, chairs and miscellaneous furniture. We got to hand deliver couches to a single Mom and to a single woman who just moved to LA and needed pretty much everything to furnish an apartment. I met about 25 of our neighbors and made priceless connections while loading their furniture. We were able to help a church in South Centeal LA with 10 couches and furniture. We were able to help a program that gives furniture to the house-less. Today I saw more people smiling and joyful at a church than any other day of my life. The church was alive and Gods grace was over us.

And then I remembered… today is my Dads birthday. I broke down, because I realized that today was a Robert Fish kind of Day. My Dad was whimsical and believed in the extraordinary. Today, I was given a private tour of Sony Studios. Today, I got to hand out birthday presents to the needy and love my actual neighbors and church community. If my Dad was still here on earth he would have been moving couches and loving people saying, “Come on now.” This kind of day would have been his preferred birthday.

Today was a gift from God. A day I will never forget. I am thankful that God always honors my Dads remembrance in little and BIG ways. Even when I didn’t see it coming.


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