Biblically-based resources that help you in practical ways in your everyday life.
Mental Health Resources
Mental Heath Resources is a three-page document that links you to my most helpful Mental Health Resources.
Suicidality is a document that helps you serve students who are struggling with self-harm or suicide.
Referral is mental health reference sheet we all need as leaders. Know who to call when you don’t know what to do.
Generations Workshop
This Generation Workshop is a comprehensive study of the four main living generations today. For a year in seminary I did a special study on generations and the church. This workshop will give you key insights into how to best connect and work with each generation.
LGBTQ+ Resources
The Center for Faith focuses on Faith, Sexuality and Gender. Preston Sprinkle is a trusted voice and has developed many helpful resources on how to best serve the LGBTQIA community.
Book Recommendations
Skye Jethani
Eat This Book
Eugene H. Peterson
Great Lives from God’s Word
Charles Swindoll
Let Your Life Speak
Parker Palmer
Renovations of the Heart
Dallas Willard
Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis
In The Name of Jesus
Henri Nouwen
Many Colors
Soong-Chan Rah
After Doubt
A.J. Swoboda
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
Adele Ahlberg Calhoun